
Is This Joan Rivers' Doctor During Fatal Procedure?

A report has surfaced that renowned doctor to the stars, Gwen Korovin, is the doctor who allegedly performed an unauthorized biopsy on Rivers when she went into cardiac arrest. INSIDE EDITION has the latest.

Is this doctor who allegedly shot a selfie of Joan Rivers just before she went into cardiac arrest.

Her name is Gwen Korovin. She was reportedly Joan Rivers' personal doctor and she's known as an ear nose and throat specialist to the stars.

Among her famous patients, pop star Ariana Grande, and Hugh Jackman.

Last year, she was featured on CBS Sunday Morning examining singer John Mayer's throat.

INSIDE EDITION interviewed her in 1997 after she was credited with saving Celine Dion's voice.

Rivers went to a clinic on Manhattan's Upper East Side last month for a routine procedure on her thoat. An unauthorized biopsy was allegedly performed by Rivers' doctor. But the name of that doctor has never been identified, until now.

A published report says it was Dr. Korovin.

When INSIDE EDITION called for a comment, Dr. Korovin's assistant hung up.

Now even more shocking allegations of a selfie, at the most inappropriate moment imaginable.

The clinic has denied a biopsy was performed there.