
Banker Shoots The Wrong Dog In Barking Dispute

A canine mistaken identity has left a couple heartbroken after a man is accused of shooting their dog to death because he was annoyed by the barking. Turns out…it was the wrong dog. INSIDE EDITION has more.

Imagine making this call to 911. "A guy just shot our dog!”

Cary Chunyk's dog, Molly, was shot in a fatal case of mistaken identity. Chunyk continued to the 911 operator, “Our neighbor's dog is barking like crazy and he came and shot our dog."

The irate gunman was apparently so annoyed by a neighbor's barking dog, that he came over and shot Molly thinking she must be the loud pooch. But cops say he shot the wrong dog.

Chunyk told INSIDE EDITION, "This guy comes up to the fence and just reaches over into the yard and just point blank, just executes Molly."          

Molly was a cute Welsh Corgi pup who had just turned one year old.

Chunyk was feeding Molly and his other puppy when he says the gun toting neighbor came to the back gate of their home in Bellingham, in Washington State.

Chunyk continued,  "I can see the barrel of the rifle now and it disappears from my view underneath her throat and he just goes pop and that's when the squeal let out and I go, 'You shot my dog'. And he just struts right back down the street like, 'so what.' "

Cary's wife, Loyce  told INSIDE EDITION, "It was heartwrenching to hear her cry and it was a death cry. It was a cry that she was going, that she was leaving us."

The neighbor, David Latham, was charged with the shooting. He's an executive in the banking industry. When cops arrested him, he reportedly said,  "Oh my God.  I shot the wrong dog!"

Loyce says she's afraid to take out the trash out for fear of running into their neighbor Latham, who's now out on $20,000 bail.

She said, "It's terrifying. This guy is a creepy guy."

In the eyes of this couple, he's just evil.

Loyce said, "He murdered our dog."

Latham pled not guilty to multiple charges including felony animal cruelty. He has also been ordered to stay 500 feet away from the couple.