
Ebola Kills Thousands But One Dog Sparks Worldwide Outrage

Nearly 3,500 people are dead from Ebola but it's the death of a dog named Excalibur that is sparking worldwide outrage. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

There was a passionate protest over the decision to put a dog to sleep over fears he might be carrying the Ebola virus.

Believe it or not, nearly 400,000 people signed a petition to save a dog named Excalibur, whose owner, a nurse, is infected with Ebola.

The death of Excalibur is the focus of worldwide attention, and some find it ironic.

Daily Mail had this headline: "Thousands Dead, Millions At Risk...But It's A Dog That Sparks An Outcry."
Excalibur also triggered an editorial in Bloomberg News: "Valuing cute animals over adult humans are we all quite mad here in the developed world?"

Here's what we know:
* Dogs can become infected with Ebola.
* No reports of dogs developing Ebola symptoms.
* No reports of dogs passing the disease to animals or people.
(Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

With his owners in quarantine, the 12-year-old rescue dog was home alone in Madrid, well-stocked with food and water. He seemed to be in good health and barked on the terrace.

The Twittersphere exploded with pictures of dogs, carrying messages calling for Excalibur to be saved. But it was all for naught. Wearing protective gear, medical workers arrived in a van to put the dog to sleep.

Now that Excalibur is gone, everyone is asking was this necessary?