
Fangate: Florida Gubernatorial Debate Stalled Over a Fan

It’s being called ‘Fangate.’ Florida Governor Rick Scott initially refused to come on stage for a debate over a small fan at his opponent’s feet. INSIDE EDITION explains.

Did you hear the one about the Florida politician who refused to take the stage to debate his opponent because his opponent had a fan at his feet?

To boos from the crowd, the Florida Gubernatorial Debate moderator said, "We have been told that governor Scott will not be participating in this debate. There is a fan there and for that reason, ladies and gentlemen, I'm being told Governor Scott will not join us for this debate."

Florida Times-Union editor Frank Denton was on the panel, and couldnt believe what was going on.

"We've seen a lot of things in our careers. We were somewhat incredulous, I think, that it really wouldn't happen ," said Denton.

Florida Governor Rick Scott cried foul over the fan, refusing to come out for seven minutes! And his opponent, former Governor Charlie Christ, made the most of his solo time onstage.

Christ said, "Are we really going to have a debate about a fan, or are we going to talk about education, the environment, and the future of our state?"

Through it all the fan stayed put.

In reference to the fan Christ said, "Why not? Is there anything wrong with being comfortable? I don't think there is."

There's more to it than just comfort. It's all about image too. During the historic 1960 Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy Presidential Debate, Nixon sweated profusely, while Kennedy seemed cool and calm. Nixon, of course, lost the election.

At last, Governor Scott appeared. But, he didn't win any "fans" on The View!

Rosie O’Donnell said, "He was being a baby! (baby voice) ‘Oh, he has a fan, so I'm not going, because I don't have a fan!’”