
He Said What? Voter Tells President Obama: 'Don't Touch My Girlfriend'

One couple will never forget their trip to the voting booth when the man told President Obama, “Don’t touch my girlfriend.” INSIDE EDITION talks to the couple.

Talk about embarrassing.

The President was voting in his hometown of Chicago, which permits early voting for the November 4th elections. He encountered Aia Cooper and her boyfriend, Mike Jones, at the polls. Cooper was using the voting machine right next to the President. Jones was off-camera.

Jones said, "Mr. President, don't touch my girlfriend now!"

Cooper asked, "Did you just say that?"

President Obama responded, "I really wasn't planning on it."

This woman's boyfriend just got cheeky with the President.

Cooper said to the President, "I am sorry, please excuse him."

But President Obama wasn't phased one bit and hit back with some zingers of his own.

He said, "Now, there's an example of a brother just embarrassing you for no reason."

Cooper said, "Just embarrassing."

"Just for no reason whatsoever," said the President.

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INSIDE EDITION caught up with Cooper and Jones today and she's still blushing.

Jones told INSIDE EDITION'S Steven Fabian, "I had to say something to make her laugh and possibly start something with the President. I just felt like it was necessary."

Fabian asked, "But why say that?"

Jones said, "I guess I'm pretty protective and I wanted to see what the response would be."

The President turned the awkward moment into comedy and it got pretty funny.

Cooper told the President, "I knew he was going to say something smart, but I didn't know what he was gonna say."

The President joked, "And now you'll be going back home and talking to your friends about, 'I cannot believe...' what's his name?"

Cooper said, "Mike."

"'I can't believe Mike, he is such a fool,'" President Obama said.

"He really is," she said.

The President joked, "'I was just mortified. But fortunately, the President was nice about it.'"

Cooper said, "I am freaking out right now."

"'So it was alright,'" said the President.

"Thank you so much," said Cooper.

The President responded, "That's alright. Mike seems like a decent guy. He's a decent guy."

She said, "This is not happening. This really isn't."

And the President wasn't done. As he finished voting, he had one parting shot for the smart aleck boyfriend.

He said to Cooper, "You're gonna kiss me, give him something to talk about. Now, he's really jealous!"

Fabian asked Cooper, "What about the kiss there, Aia, did you expect that?"

She said, "No, not at all. And then he was like, 'We're really going to make him jealous,' and I was like, 'Ok he just kissed me. Ok.' I was just shaken, I was shaken."