
Overpass Horror: Teens Throw Rock, Changing Woman's Life Forever

The lives of one family were changed forever when they were driving on a highway and a rock was thrown from an overpass, smashing into their car. INSIDE EDITION has the story.

A terrified husband made a desperate 911 call after a five-pound rock was thrown from a highway overpass and made a direct hit on his wife's head.  

He told the operator, “Something just came through my windshield and hit my wife and I think it went right through her head! Oh my God! There's a rock that came in. She is grasping for her life! Oh my God, half her brain is gone! Oh my God! Oh my God!”

There was a gaping hole left in Randy and Sharon Budd's car. She was in the passenger's seat when the rock exploded through the windshield.

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Randy told INSIDE EDITION, “A rock from an overpass hit right here, busted right through the windshield and hit my wife, Sharon, directly in the face. It was a direct hit.”

They were driving with their daughter, Kaylee, from their home in Ohio to see the Broadway show Mama Mia! in New York City last July.

But on Interstate 80 outside Danville, Pennsylvania, Sharon’s life changed forever.

A shocking X-Ray show's Sharon’s skull. Much of it had to be removed by neurosurgeon Dr. Atom Sarkar.

Dr. Sarkar said, “It was like a blast injury, like a war injury where something had exploded in her face. It was that devastating.”

Sharon, a seventh grade teacher, was not expected to live. Miraculously, she is still here today almost four months later.

Randy showed INSIDE EDITION Sharon's horrific injuries. She lost part of her brain as well as her right eye. Doctor's repaired her shattered skull with plastic.

He said, “There's so much plastic, bolts, and screws that put her face back together.”  

Just a few weeks ago, she finally left the hospital after a three month stay and went home.  

Now, she faces grueling rehabilitation to try to relearn how to do simple things like making a cup of coffee.

Cops say four teenagers did it and are now charged with aggravated assault. At a preliminary hearing, one of them testified that they laughed after the rock hit Sharon’s car.

“They took away the wife that I know and they robbed our kids of their mom,” said Randy.

Sharon herself had this message for the teens who changed her life forever: “I just don't understand why you'd want to hurt somebody like that.”

None of the teens charged in the incident has entered a plea yet.

If you would like to help the Budd family, visit here.