
The Bride Of Manson: At 80, Charles Manson To Marry 26-Year-Old

It is hard to imagine, but notorious murderer Charles Manson is getting married, in prison. INSIDE EDITION has the details on his nuptials.

Charles Manson, who just turned 80, will exchange vows behind bars with a 26-year-old woman.

Afton Elaine Burton is her name, but she goes by Star. She's so obsessed with the convicted killer, she moved to the town of Corcoran, California, to be near her beloved's prison.

Star said in a video, "Why is that whenever anyone thinks of the name Charles Manson, they think of somebody that is crazy?"

INSIDE EDITION caught up with Star's mother, Melissa Burton, of Bunker Hill, Illinois. She will not be attending the wedding.

Melissa said, “She's not a freak at all."

INSIDE EDITION asked, "Will any family members be attending the wedding?"

"No," replied Melissa.

Star professed her devotion to Manson in a taped interview with Associated Press reporter Scott Smith.

Smith asked, "You love him I suppose, right?"

"Yeah. Of course," replied Star.

Smith told INSIDE EDITION, "She's obviously a believer who thinks Charles Manson is wrongly convicted."

There's proof that wedding bells will ring for the monster behind the murder of actress Sharon Tate and six other people in 1969. There is a marriage license number, an application date, the groom's name and the bride's name appear on the application.

Here's what we know about the Manson prison nuptials. They're allowed ten guests, none of them inmates, and no conjugal visits allowed.

One of those 10 guests will be Jason Freeman, a martial arts cage fighter who is Charles Manson’s grandson. He runs a charity called Frontline Warriors.

Freeman told INSIDE EDITION’s Les Trent, "She seems extremely sweet. It'll be my first day to meet my grandfather and my grandmother, even though she is 12 years younger than me."

See More of Freeman's Interview with INSIDE EDITION

Trent asked, "Do you understand that the families of the victims are outraged that your grandfather is being permitted to get married?"

"Everybody's got an opinion. I got mine, they got theirs. Just got to move forward," said Freeman.

Bride-to-be Star Burton was once Employee of the Month at McDonald’s. A far cry from an image of Star, in which she's got a cross on her forehead apparently in solidarity with Manson’s notorious swastika.

Her mother said, "We love her with all of our hearts. She is my daughter."