
Bill Cosby Stonewalls Questions On Mounting Assault Allegations

We have the latest on Bill Cosby's response to the growing allegations that he drugged and sexually assaulted women. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

Bill Cosby looked blindsided by a question about the growing number of women who claim he drugged and raped them.

A just released video was taken by the Associated Press during an interview about Cosby’s extensive art collection. His wife, Camille was at his side.

He told a reporter, "No, no, we don't answer that. There's no response about that."

The reporter asked, "Can I ask you, with the persona that people know about Bill Cosby, should they believe anything differently?"

Cosby replied, "There is no comment about that."

He stonewalled when he asked about allegations of rape first raised by former actress Barbara Bowman.

Cosby said, “I'll tell you why. I think you were told, I don't want to compromise your integrity, but I don't talk about it.”

Cosby's reaction was in sharp contrast with his dead silence during an interview with NPR reporter Scott Simon.

Simon said to Cosby, “There have been serious allegations about you in recent days. You're shaking your head, 'no.' I'm in the news business. I have to ask the question. Do you have any response to the charges? You're shaking your head 'no.'”

Image consultant Mike Paul thinks Cosby is sending the wrong message. He told INSIDE EDITION, "That to me says 'I'm guilty.'"