
St. Louis Rams Players Won't Be Disciplined Over 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' Ferguson Protest

The NFL says it won’t be taking any action against the St. Louis Rams players who entered Sunday's game with their hands up in a show of solidarity for the people of Ferguson. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

The NFL won't be disciplining the St. Louis Rams players who made that "Hands-Up-Don't-Shoot" gesture of support for protesters in nearby Ferguson.

The NFL said on Monday, "We respect and understand the concerns of all individuals who have expressed views on this tragic situation."

The St. Louis Police Union says the players should be punished and that their protest was "Tasteless, offensive and inflammatory...It is unthinkable that hometown athletes would so publicly perpetuate a narrative that has been disproven over-and-over again."

INSIDE EDITION's Steven Fabian spoke to union official Jeff Roorda. Fabian asked, "By now you have heard the NFL's statement on this matter. Do you have a response?"

He replied, "Well, they seem pretty entrenched and that is disappointing, not only for the police officers that I represent but for police officers all over the country."

Fabian then asked, "What do you think should happen to these players?"

Roorda responded, "Well, I think they at least owe an explanation if not an apology."

Racial tension in Ferguson was the focus of talks at The White House in the wake of the riots.

In Ferguson, a mysterious group of armed militia have been ordered by police to back off. They've been perched on rooftops, guarding private businesses from looters. St. Louis County Police threatened to arrest them.

Meanwhile, Darren Wilson, the cop at the center of the controversy, has resigned.

Wilson's attorney, Neil Bruntrager told Fox News on Sunday, "He simply said, 'That is enough.' It was time to resign. He filed and submitted an oral resignation and a written resignation shortly thereafter."