
'Star Wars' Trailer Sparks Buzz

The new Star Wars trailer got standing ovations at movie theaters across the country. So, why is it sparking some controversy? INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

The latest Star Wars movie is coming and for the first time ever, this legendary series is introducing a black stormtrooper, which is upsetting some fans.

Editor-in-Chief of, Sharon Waxman told INSIDE EDITION, "Their fan base is so rabidly proprietary about anything having to do with that story, that they jump on anything. Any time they put something out there that isn't exactly what fans are expecting, they are going to get a tsunami of reaction."

Watch More of Waxman's Interview About the Trailer

The shot of the stormtrooper is the first image we see in the sensational trailer. So, who is he? His name is John Boyega.

Boyega told his fans on Instagram: "Thank you for all the love and support!"

And for those people who objected to his role, he added: "To whom it may concern...Get used to it."

The trailer for The Force Awakens actually got standing ovations in theaters from coast-to-coast.

The Today show said, "We saw the movie trailer and everybody gave it a standing ovation, hooting and hollering!"

Whoopi Goldberg of The View commented, "The new Star Wars trailer is blowing up the internet right now, with forty-million hits and counting."

One diehard Star Wars fan actually created a shot-for-shot Lego version of the trailer.

Meanwhile, another movie is generating a lot of attention.

The trailer for the dark comedy The Interview stars Seth Rogen and James Franco as a pair of talk show knuckleheads who plot to interview North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, and then assassinate him!

North Korea's ambassador to the United Nations is blasting the film, calling it an, "Undisguised sponsoring of terrorism, as well as an act of war."

The Korean regime is believed to be the prime suspects in hacking Sony Pictures' network.

The hacking resulted in the Brad Pitt movie, Fury, being pirated more than 800,000 times online. The musical Annie has also been leaked online, and it hasn't even been released yet.

"This is going to cost them a lot of money. There is no way this isn't going to have a major impact on them," said Waxman.