
Fifty Shades of Jessica Simpson?

Fifty Shades of Grey captivated much of the nation, including Jessica Simpson who was inspired to post her own steamy photos inspired by the movie.

Fifty Shades of Grey has Jessica Simpson all worked up!

Like millions of other Americans, Jessica and husband Eric Johnson went to see the movie on Valentine's Day!

Then, the TV personality did something that very few would dare - she posted provocative photos reenacting scenes from the racy film with her shirtless husband. Talk about intimate!

Even 88-year-old actress Cloris Leachman made quite the dramatic entrance when she went to see the movie and she really enjoyed it.

She told INSIDE EDITION, "It's excellent, way beyond what I would have imagined. It's not like porn at all. The actors are beautifully cast."

The movie shattered box office records taking in a mind-blowing $94.4 million dollars in the U.S. alone - a new record for President's Day weekend.

Women accounted for 68% of ticket buyers, many of them dragging their very reluctant significant others.

The star of the movie, Dakota Johnson, popped up in the audience at Saturday Night Live's big 40th Anniversary Special. She asked Jerry Seinfeld for advice for when she hosts the show.

Johnson asked Seinfeld, "I'm going to be hosting Saturday Night Live on February 28, and you've done it before, so, can you tell me what it's like?"

Seinfeld responded, "Well, Dakota, hosting the show is thrilling but when you host, you're totally powerless. You're told what to do, what to wear, you just have to submit."

Johnson said, "Oh, great, so it's like a regular show, cool."