After Kim Cattrall Blasts Sarah Jessica Parker, Etiquette Expert Demonstrates How to Properly Express Condolences

The disdain between the "Sex and the City" actresses is no secret.

After Kim Cattrall recently posted on Instagram that her brother unexpectedly passed away, her Sex and the City co-star Sarah Jessica Parker expressed her condolences, a gesture that caused Cattrall to fire back. 

“Dearest Kim, my love and condolences to you and yours and Godspeed to your beloved brother. XX,” Parker commented on Instagram. 

While it seemed like a genuine display of sympathy, it triggered a bitter response from Cattrall. 

"Let me make this VERY clear (if I haven't already) you are not my family," Cattrall replied. "You are not my friend." 

The tension between Parker and Cattrall is no secret.

“We've never been friends," Cattrall once said on an episode of Piers Morgan's Life Stories. "We've been colleagues and in some ways it's a very healthy place to be. Then you have a clear line between your professional life and your relationship."

Parker later told Andy Cohen on an episode of Watch What Happens Live that she found Cattrall's comments to Morgan "very upsetting," adding that it is "not how I recall our experience."  

The long-running feud between Sex and the City stars has left many to inquire about the proper way to express condolences and whether Parker was wrong in reaching out to Cattrall in such a public way. 

Etiquette expert Thomas Farley, who is known as "Mister Manners," discussed the situation with Inside Edition. 

"If somebody's putting it on social media, clearly they're looking for the support on social media," Farley said. "I think when you don't have that face-to-face, when you don't have that eye contact, you really lose the meaning of sentiments and if you've got something you need to say to someone who's close to you, who is important, you're gonna say it in person, you're gonna say it on the phone — you're not gonna say it on social media."