Arizona Boy Ignores Bullies and Grows Out Hair to Donate to Kids With Cancer

Brodie Southgate spent two years growing his hair out to donate to children who have lost their hair due to illness.

Brodie Southgate loves helping others, and he's doing it one lock of hair at a time. 

The 9-year-old boy from Anthem, Arizona, has donated his hair twice to a nonprofit that helps children battling cancer, CBS affiliate KPHO-TV reportedChildren With Hair Loss also helps provide wigs to kids who have lost their hair due to alopecia, trichotillomania and severe burns. 

"I decided to grow my hair out because I thought the children that had cancer needed hair," Brodie told "I liked having my hair long, so I decided to donate it again for the second time."

But Brodie has been bullied by some of his classmates over his long hair, he said. 

"They thought it was crazy because I am a boy and they don't usually see boys with long hair, and they also thought I was a girl," he explained. 

His dad, Ben Southgate, said Brodie hasn't let that bullying stand in the way of helping others.

"This kid has gone through a lot the last few years with many comments of both positive and negative, and has stuck it through," Southgate told KPHO. 

And Brodie was excited to show off his new buzzcut as he started fourth grade, adding that it came as a surprise to some of his classmates. 

"They either didn't know me or they thought it was a really good haircut," he said. 



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