
Arkansas Residents Fed Up With Roosters 'Terrorizing' the Neighborhood

Is it just one big game of chicken?

Is it just one big game of chicken?

Some residents of Jasper, Arkansas, say roosters are terrorizing their town. "We have had several verbal complaints about a rooster attacking as they walked on South Street," Mayor Jan Larson told KFSM.

Dawn and Ronny Dulle own the birds, but they're crying foul. “It’s the ones who get chased who come back and it becomes a game. But it's not a game to the chickens,” Ronny said. 

The Dulles say they had no clue the birds were causing such a stir, until they saw a police report from a woman who claimed she was attacked. 

“I don’t think it's a problem. I’ve had these chickens for six years. My husband bought me them for Christmas,” Dawn said.

As the adage goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity. Word spread and now the roosters have fans.

"I was in Jasper today to do interior design for a friend, but this morning before we left I saw the article of the rooster of Jasper and I said we are not leaving until I get to see the rooster," Dana Parker told the news station.

For now, the birds have free rein. The Dulles say they're building a fence for the chickens and clipping their wings.

The city council will meet next month to decide if further action needs to be taken.