
Auschwitz Survivor Receives 2nd Coronavirus Vaccine Dose on Holocaust Remembrance Day

On the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camps in Poland, which saw over one million deaths of Jews –– and over 6 million overall, a 96-year-old survivor has received her second dose of Pfizer's vaccine

On the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camps in Poland, which saw over 1 million deaths of Jews –– and over 6 million overall, a 96-year-old survivor has received her second dose of Pfizer's vaccine. Last year, a reported 900 Holocaust survivors died of COVID-19.

Zana Sadikario-Satsoglu is the only survivor in her family. She arrived to Auschwitz in 1943, when she was 18 years old. On her arm reads the number "39405" –– a physical testament to her time spent in the camp.

When the war ended, Zana returned to Greece, her native home, where she married and had two children. To this day, Zana still lives in Greece, in the city of Thessaloniki in a nursing home for the Jewish community.

More than 50,000 Jews lived in that city before 1941 when the Second World Word began and Germany occupied Greece.

Pope Francis, an Argentine native, spoke Wednesday during his weekly audience and commemorated Holocaust survivors. Francis also warned that distorted ideologies can lead to another genocide, ABC News reported.

He insisted that remembering is a sign of humanity and hope for a peaceful future.

Adding, that remembering “also means to be aware that these things can happen again, starting with ideological proposals that claim to save a people and end up destroying a people and humanity.”