Boy Born Without Eyes Is 'Such a Good Baby,' His Mom Says

Little Jackson has a rare condition called anophthalmia.

This little baby was born without eyes.

Little Jackson has a rare condition called anophthalmia, which causes his eyes to improperly develop during pregnancy.

"It was heartbreaking," Jackson’s dad, Kalani Prior, 34, told "We always thought we were like the power couple. Everybody knows us for having the beautiful babies, and we’re like, 'Boy No. 3, here we come.' Next you know, we have [a son] being born without even eyes."

He and his wife Nicole Martinez, 25, discovered he would have anophthalmia in his left eye during a routine ultrasound.

When Jackson was born earlier this month by C-section, they discovered his right eye didn’t develop properly either.

"We realized he was going to be completely blind while she was still on the table," Prior said. "They were telling me that they were feeling around and they didn’t feel eye sockets. That hit hard."

Jackson also had a minor heart complication at birth and other defects that have led doctors to believe he may be missing a chromosome.

But Jackson is otherwise healthy, and Martinez and Prior said they’re adjusting to life with his disabilities.

"Having him home, seeing him sleep, seeing him react," Prior said. "I sing to him and he really calms down. You can see that he wants to look toward your direction."

Martinez added, "He's such a good baby."

The pair, who also has a 14-month-old and a 12-year-old son, are hopeful that the future of transplant surgeries and other technological advances will one day help baby Jackson see.


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