
Closest Siblings Ever? Meet the Kids Who Can't Wait to See Each Other After a Long Day at School

They're more than a brother and sister - they're best friends.

A little girl and her big brother have become internet sensations after their loving embrace when the boy returned home after school was caught on camera.

The girl jumped for joy as her big brother emerged from the school bus. She ran into his arms and got a giant bear hug in return. He then he carried her to the sidewalk.  

Every day at 4:04 p.m. Ava, 3, faithfully waits for her older brother, Tariq, to get off the school bus. Every day, without missing a beat, she runs to greet him.

They then walk home, holding each other close.  

Their mother, Verlonda Jackson, says they weren't always so adoring of each other.  

“They started to bicker," she said. "They would argue over the iPad, or argue over who got more chicken nuggets on their plate,” she told Inside Edition. “Everything changed when Tariq went to kindergarten. That became the longest time they were separated throughout the day.”

The siblings say they are each other's best friend.