Georgia Teen Battling Cancer Gives Make-A-Wish Gift to His Doctor

The Georgia teen has been battling cancer for three years.

When the Make-A-Wish Foundation granted the request of a Georgia teen battling cancer, it wasn't anything for him.

Rather, it was for his physician, Dr. Ryan Summers, who conducts childhood cancer research.

Matthew Gould, now 16, was diagnosed with stage four T-cell leukemia in 2016. He underwent chemo and became paralyzed. He learned how to walk all over again. 

So When Make-A-Wish and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta offered Gould whatever he wanted on World Wish Day, Gould gave his gift to Dr. Summers in the form of a $5,000 check.

Recently, Summers took Gould on a tour of his research facility, giving him a lab coat and showing him how to extract protein from his own cells.

"Every time they asked him, I would tell him, 'Matthew, momma wants to go to Hawaii, and he said, but they didn't ask momma what you wanted to do,''' recounted his mother, Dionne Gould.

The teen reasoned that helping Summers would help others like himself.

"I decided if I could somehow help other people, that would be a wish for me, that would make me happy," he said.

Matthew plans to study medicine, so he can one day research cancer himself.


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