Golden State Killer Case: Surviving Victim Reacts to Arrest of Suspect

Jane Carson Sandler was attacked in bed while her 3-year-old son lay beside her.

Across the nation, victims of the Golden State Killer are expressing their feelings of joy following the suspect's arrest.

Jane Carson-Sandler was sleeping when cops say the monster broke into her California home in 1976 and sexually assaulted her as her 3-year-old son lay beside her in 1976. 

"He told us to shut up or he’d kill us," she told Inside Edition. "Then he blindfolded us, gagged us, and tied us up."

She never gave up her quest for justice and showed Inside Edition a purse a friend made for her which has a special message — "See You in Court."  

She said it was made because she felt that "one day," he would be caught. 

Jennifer Carroll’s mother and her stepfather were slain in 1980. 

"I want him to fear those other inmates every moment for the rest of his life," Carroll told Inside Edition. "I want him to live in fear as we all did."

The evil acts attributed to the Golden State Killer defy imagination with 12 murders, 45 rapes, 120 burglaries between 1976 and 1986.

Cops say he sometimes stayed for hours at the homes he hit, and even cooked meals. 

He bound his victims and put plates on their bodies, telling them that if they moved and he heard the plate fall, he would kill them.  

Sometimes he called victims he left alive on the phone to torment them, disguising his voice with clenched teeth saying, “I’m gonna kill you." 

He took his victims' wedding rings and bikini photos as souvenir of his crimes.

Why the Golden State Killer's attacks apparently stopped in 1986 remains a mystery.

"Before you say that the man has changed his behavior and turned the faucet off on these violent acts, let’s make sure we know where he has been, what he has done," forensic psychologist Keith Ablow told Inside Edition. "Has he ever traveled abroad? And where has the violence gone?"


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