
How Anti-Vaxxers Are Using a 'Brady Bunch' Episode to Share Their Message

In the 1969 episode, all six Brady children get the measles.

An episode of "The Brady Bunch" is being shared online by people who do not agree with vaccinating against the measles.

In the 1969 episode, which is titled "Is There a Doctor in the House?", all six Brady children get the disease — but it's no big deal.

The episode shows the children sitting around, playing games and expressing relief that they don't need to take medicine or get shots.

"Boy, this is the life, isn't it?" says Greg.

Oldest daughter Marcia adds, "Yeah! If you have to get sick, sure can't beat the measles!"

The episode is often cited by those who do not want to vaccinate their children. They say it shows the measles is nothing to worry about and that shots aren't necessary.

Maureen McCormick, who played Marcia, told NPR she was "concerned" when she saw the episode being circulated online.

"I think it's really wrong when people use people's images today to promote whatever they want to promote," she said.

She added that she once had measles as a child, and her own daughter is vaccinated against the disease.

"Having the measles was not a fun thing," she said. "I remember it spread through my family."

Del Bigtree, who produced anti-vaccination documentary "Vaxxed," told Inside Edition the episode shows people's attitudes towards the measles in the 1960s.

"I could show you movies that talk about measles that do the same thing, cartoons that talked about measles. It wasn't just 'The Brady Bunch' episode, but it really brings home what we thought. These are things that we just thought were a part of growing up as children," Bigtree said.

Lloyd Schwartz, the son of "Brady Bunch" creator Sherwood Schwartz, said his dad was a pre-med student before getting into TV.

"If we knew there was going to be a controversy about this, we never would've done the episode to begin with," he told Inside Edition.

Dr. Roshini Raj said it's best not to look to the TV show for medical advice.

"Measles can be a very complicated disease and it can even be fatal so even though they seem to be doing OK, that doesn't necessarily guarantee your child will be OK," she told Inside Edition.

The U.S. is in the midst of the biggest outbreak since the disease's elimination in 2000. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 695 cases of measles have been reported by 22 states.