
How Dirty Are Your Pillows and Couches?

Here's how to clean pillows and couches.

Most people have gotten much more particular about cleanliness amid the coronavirus pandemic. But they may also be missing out on cleaning some easy-to-overlook household items, including pillows and upholstery.

Recent viral videos show everything from clothing, towels, hats and even backpacks turning clear bath water murky because of how filthy they are.

Jessica Miska’s boyfriend’s pillows haven’t been cleaned in about 10 years, and although it may sound disgusting, they are among items that may not get cleaned as regularly as they should. 

"If these could be cleaned, we would celebrate. We would be very excited,” Miska told Inside Edition.

Inside Edition correspondent Steven Fabian helped Miska get the pillows clean by dunking them into the bathtub, along with detergent, borax and a bottle of bleach. In mere seconds, the water turned murky, filling with dirt from the pillow.

Once the pillow was dry, it looked good as new again.

And what about couches? You sit on them every day — could they be loaded with dirt?

Inside Edition called professionals in from Bowerman Cleaning and Restoration in New York to clean up a white couch that hadn’t been cleaned in 8 years. They vacuumed and steam cleaned the entire sofa. The water extracted from the beige couch was extremely dirty, which surprised the owner.

“It’s filthy, unbelievably filthy, I can’t believe how much dirt in is there,” she said.

Even a newer, beige couch, which didn’t look dirty at first glance, produced extremely murky water when extracted by Concept Cleaning Services of Long Island.

In order to avoid ruining items, always follow the instructions on the product and the cleaners you are using. And the next time you put your head on that pillow or plop down on the couch, you may want to think—when was the last time it was cleaned?