
How One Teen's 'Virtual Prom' TikTok Inspired Hundreds of Others

Viral video from a virtual prom held by one teen inside of her own home has sparked a massive moment.

In a normal year, teenagers around the country would be getting ready for prom. But with the coronavirus pandemic keeping people inside their homes, most schools have canceled the special event.

One California teen was crestfallen when she learned the dance was canceled.

"My heart dropped," said Natalie Reese. "I was fantasizing about this since I was a little girl."

Natalie decided she'd go to prom anyway — from inside the safety of her home. The guests were her parents and sisters. She wore her lace gown and glammed up with make-up and a fancy hairstyle. 

The family had a blast dancing together and recorded the event on TikTok. The videos have since garnered over 30 million views.

"When that went super crazy viral, I realized other people were missing out just like I am," Natalie said. 

She then created a campaign, asking everyone to put on their own virtual prom.

It has since sparked a massive moment, and Natalie said she received hundreds of videos of people dressed up from all over the world dancing in their homes.