
Illinois NICU Babies Celebrate Their First Fourth of July With Cute Photo Shoot

Advocate Children's Hospital

It was a happy moment for everyone.

Babies in the NICU at an Illinois hospital couldn’t be more adorable in their Fourth of July gear. 

Nurses and parents at Advocate Children's Hospital in Park Ridge dressed more than 30 infants in red, white and blue on Monday to celebrate their first Independence Day a few days early. 



Advocate Children's Hospital

A photo shoot captured some of the cuties as they held American flags while dressed in patriotic onesies. Others had their cribs decorated with signs like: “Day 123, My first Fourth of July.”

Many of the premature babies laid peacefully in their fashionable outfits. 

"We wanted to provide parents with the opportunity to create special memories with their little one and celebrate their first Fourth of July, despite not being home as a family yet," Julie Nakis, a spokesperson for the hospital told "The NICU can be a stressful and emotional environment, and this celebration helped bring families joy and a sense of normalcy."

Advocate Children's Hospital

This is the second year the hospital has celebrated July 4 with the infants.

There was surely no shortage of patriotism in that NICU!

Advocate Children's Hospital