
'Lava Bombs' Launched From Hawaii Volcano Are Latest Danger on the Big Island

A lava bomb is molten rock that's thrown into the air by a volcanic eruption.

Lava bombs are the latest danger to strike Hawaii following earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

A lava bomb is molten rock that's hurled into the air by a volcanic eruption and then solidifies before hitting the ground.

Footage of the so-called lava bombs dropping was live streamed by self-described "lava chaser" Demian Barrios and has gone viral since the video was posted Sunday. 

Experts say lava bombs can be the size of a pickup truck.

"They can be pretty hazardous to property and people," Barrios told Inside Edition.

He told Inside Edition they are dangerous because "you don’t hear any sound until they hit the ground."

“They are red hot a lot of times, even when they land and they look black. They're still red hot inside,” he added. 

Meanwhile, those unstoppable lava flows continue to devastate parts of the Big Island. Nearly 2,000 have been ordered to flee their homes.