
Man's Car Is Stolen During Wife's Funeral

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Antonio Basco's wife was killed in the El Paso massacre.

A man's SUV was stolen the day he held a funeral for his wife, who was killed in the El Paso massacre. 

Antonio Basco invited the public to his wife Margie Reckard's funeral in Texas because they had no other family.

His moving call led the church to be packed with people who showed up to pay their respects and make sure that he was not alone in his grief.
But hours later, tragedy struck again: Basco's blue Ford Escape was stolen from his home. 

"What is wrong with people!? He just buried his wife yesterday and now this...." was one comment on Facebook.

The SUV was later located, but it was severely damaged.

Now, a local car dealership has come to the rescue and plans to give Basco a vehicle.