Proud Boys Leader Arrested In and Banned From DC for Allegedly Burning Stolen Black Lives Matter Banner

Enrique Tarrio, a leader of the Proud Boys
Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images

The infamous Proud Boys leader, Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, was arrested Monday in Washington, D.C. for allegedly burning a Black Lives Matter banner that once hung over a Black church in the northwestern part of the Capitol.

The infamous Proud Boys leader, Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, was arrested Monday in Washington, D.C., and told by a judge to not come back after he allegedly burned a Black Lives Matter banner that once hung over a Black church. Tarrio, originally from Miami, was charged with destruction of property after the Dec. 12 burning and was told he could only return to the city for his court appearances, according to the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, CNN reported.

Tarrio, 36, was released Tuesday after he appeared before judge Renee Raymond. He was ordered to leave D.C. and to "stay away," with the exception of limited conditions, including meetings with his attorney or for a court date, the Associated Press reported. His next court appearance is scheduled for June, WAMU reported.

Tarrio was also charged with being in possession of two unloaded firearm magazines, a spokesperson from the department told CNN.

Tarrio claimed responsibility for burning the banner in a post on social media last month. He wrote, "against the wishes of my attorney I am here today to admit that I am the person responsible for the burning of this sign," CNN cited.

"And I'm damn proud I did," he added.

The Washington Post reported that Tarrio told them that he did burn the flag, but said the incident was not a hate crime

His arrest came a day before pro-Trump demonstrators flooded the U.S. Capitol, in an effort to protest Congress' count of the Electoral College votes. By Wednesday afternoon, demonstrators broke down barricades and stormed the U.S. Capitol. The Capitol building has been placed on lockdown.