
Put Your Cellphone to Silent and Other Tips to Help You Survive a Shooting

Experts say it's always important to remember "run, hide and fight."

With school shootings unfolding across America at an unprecedented rate, it is always wise to be prepared for an attack.

Don Longo, of Radius Investigations in New York, is sharing tips with Inside Edition on how to survive a school shooting.

1. "Run, Hide, Fight"

Longo says there are three words students and teachers should always remember: Run, hide, fight.

"If you can escape the kill zone, if you can run safely and get out, you run," he said. "If you can't escape the kill zone, then you have to hide."

Some students hid in closets to avoid bullets during the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., an act that likely saved their lives. 

In the event that you are unable to hide and faced with the shooter, do everything you can to fight back, including throwing any objects you can find at the shooter.

"If he gets hit in the head with these things, it's a natural instinct, he's probably gonna close his eyes, that's when you guys right here take him down," Longo said.

Once the shooter is down, wrestle the weapon away.

2. Barricade the Door

Longo says students and teachers should barricade the door with whatever is available and line up against the walls, making sure you stay clear of the gunman's line of fire, should he shoot through the door.

3. Secure the Door with a Belt

You can use a belt to make sure the door cannot be opened. Wrap it around the doorknob and pull it tight.

"You keep pressure on that door," Longo said.

4. Find a Weapon

Everyday items like fire extinguishers can be turned into weapons to fight back.

"You wanna grab whatever weapons are in here that you're able to use," Longo said.

5. Give the Impression There's No One in the Room

Turn off the lights so the shooter thinks the room is deserted, and put your cellphone on silent so your position isn't given away by a ring.

6. Don't Be Tempted to Take Video

During the shooting in Parkland, some students pulled out their phones to record videos that they sent to social media. But is that a good idea?

"Taking videos while you're in the middle of an active shooter situation is inviting disaster," Longo said. "It absolutely takes you out of survival mode. You're getting tunnel vision looking at the screen and it takes away your ability to use situational awareness to see what's happening."