Teachers Show What it Takes to Keep Kids Engaged During Remote Learning

A number of teachers are thinking outside the box to make virtual learning more appealing to their students.

With many schools still closed, remote learning is having its own set of challenges. Truancy is a big problem, so a number of teachers are thinking outside the box to make virtual learning more appealing to their students.

Teachers like Mackenzie Adams are being praised across the country for posting videos on social media showing the creative ways they’re educating kids. A video of the teacher engaging her class with enthusiastic hand gestures recently went viral on social media.

“A lot of enthusiasm and big smiles and big gestures,” Adams said.

Arielle Fodder teaches kindergarten in Los Angeles and incorporates games into her classes. “It’s really about making sure that they're engaged and that they don't feel like learning is boring,” Fodder told Inside Edition.

Garett Talcott conducts classes from his kitchen in Washington state. The lesson plan is propped on the stove, and he uses handmade flashcards and makes funny noises to keep the kids laughing.

“It is probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done,” Talcott told Inside Edition.

He added that he comes with a smile on because he has “students that are looking for the best day ever.”

America is taking notice. Actress Elizabeth Banks tweeted, “Bless you teachers one and all.” Chrissy Teigen posted, “Love teachers so much.”

Many teachers are going above and beyond, but there is growing concern that remote learning just isn't in the same league as in-person instruction. Truancy is a real problem, and in some remote learning classes, fewer than half of students were in attendance.

But it’s devoted teachers like these who will continue to keep kids interested in learning, no matter the circumstances.