
Ted Bundy's Prison Conversations Revealed: Today on Inside Edition

The serial killer, who was executed 30 years ago, sometimes talks in the third person on the tapes.

Thirty years after serial killer Ted Bundy was put to death, recordings of his conversations while in prison are being released in Netflix's "Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes."

"It's a deep, dark descent into how this guy operates," director and producer Joe Berlinger says. "Bundy teaches us that the person next to you is potentially capable of evil." Hear more of the chilling recordings shared with Inside Edition.

The family and friends of a woman who fell overboard from a Carnival Liberty cruise in 2016 are demanding answers after it emerged that another passenger watched Samantha Broberg fall but went to bed without telling anyone. Inside Edition spoke to her devastated friends, children and husband.

Alec Baldwin was in court Wednesday after he got into a disputer over driving spot in New York City. Here's the latest on the case.

And following a recent spate of women vanishing after leaving bars, Inside Edition asked an expert for safety tips for your night out.

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