United Gives Passenger a Staggering $10,000 Voucher to Give Up Seat

Allison Preiss was shocked at the offer.

An airline passenger who was bumped from an oversold flight saw her luck change when United made her an offer she couldn't refuse: A voucher for a whopping $10,000.

Allison Preiss, a communications director at a Washington think tank, was flying out of Dulles Airport when she started tweeting that her flight was overbooked and that the lowest fare passenger was about to be bumped.

Then this: "I AM THE LOWEST FARE PASSENGER," Preiss tweeted. "They are kicking me off this flight." 

Preiss says she tried to demand cash but the staff was adamant that she take a travel voucher.

And that turned out to work in her favor.

"They just offered me $10,000 in travel credit. TEN THOUSAND," she wrote, sharing photo evidence of the massive buyout.

It was a happy ending for Preiss, who cracked wise about other recent publicized tales of United Airlines travel gone awry.

"On the upside, I wasn't physically dragged off the plane and my dog wasn't killed on board, so I’ve got that going for me," she tweeted.

United upped the limit for vouchers like the one Preiss was given after an infamous incident in which a doctor was dragged, screaming, off a flight. 

The airline confirmed they issued the voucher in a statement.


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