
What Does Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump's Body Language Say About Their Historic Summit?

Body language expert Tonya Reiman reveals what was really going on between the two leaders.

As they faced the world's media, President Trump was seen winking at Russian strongman Vladimir Putin Monday in Helsinki, Finland, but what did it mean?

Body language expert Tonya Reiman analyzed the meeting of the two world leaders for Inside Edition. 

"As they sit down, Trump automatically offers him a seat as if it is his job to offer a seat, then winks. That is a signal that determines, 'I am the one in power and you are the submissive one,'" she said. "Trump tries to take possession of this entire interview early on."

The press conference was rocked by a question from Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire, who asked Putin, "Do you have compromising material on the president and his family?" 

The question was met by giggles among the reporters. Putin smirked and denied it. 

Trump then chimed in, "If they had it, it would have been out long ago." 

Lemire then asked Trump whether he would denounce Putin for meddling in the 2016 election, but the president said he believed the Russian leader's denial that his own intelligence officials did not. 

Sen. Bob Corker, Republican from Tennessee said Putin came out of top during the press conference. 

He told reporters Monday, "[Putin] gained a tremendous amount, it was almost an approval if you will, a public approval by the greatest nation on Earth." 

Putin appeared to be playing games right from the start arriving to the summit one hour late. 

He drove in his new limousine, the Kortezh, which was built to rival the U.S. president’s car known as “The Beast.” They look almost identical but Putin reportedly had his built slightly bigger.

When the two leaders came face to face, they exchanged a warm handshake. They met in private for two hours and the only other American in the room was Trump's translator, Marina Gross from the State Department's Office of Language Services.

The day was filled with high drama as an American reporter working for Nation magazine was forcibly evicted after he was spotted holding a sign that read "Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty."

In one moment of levity during the press conference, Putin handed Trump a soccer ball. Russia had just wrapped up hosting the 2018 World Cup

Trump tossed the ball to Melania Trump who was sitting in the front row and said: "This is for Barron." 

Barron Trump is reportedly a huge soccer fan.