
Why We Need to Put a Stop to Killer Robots

One organization is making it its mission to get killer robots banned. 

One organization is making it its mission to get killer robots banned. 

The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots made an appearance at the United Nations to urge diplomats to take steps to regulate rapidly advancing technology, particularly autonomous devices that have weapons systems not controlled by humans. 

"We aspire to create a broad-based movement that will create so much pressure that the governments launch negotiations on a new international treaty to prohibit weapon systems that would select and engage targets without meaningful human control," said Mary Wareham of Human Rights Watch.

Added Liz O'Sullivan of The Surveillance Technology Oversight Project: "If we allow autonomous weapons to deploy and select and engage with their own targets, we will see disproportionate false fatalities, error rates with people of color, people with disabilities, anybody who has been excluded from the training sets by virtue of the builders' own inherent bias."

The worry is that, if left unchecked, the world will "enter a destabilizing robotic arms race," according to the campaign's website.

Watch the video above to learn more.