
Woman Allegedly Tried to Poison Fiance With Eye Drops

Rowan County Sheriff's Office

Jaymee Lynn Cruz was arrested on Saturday after her fiance called 911 on her.

A North Carolina woman allegedly admitted to attempting to poison her fiance with eye drops after she said she got the idea from a movie. 

Jaymee Lynn Cruz was arrested on Saturday after her fiance called 911 on her when he allegedly spotted Cruz putting the eye drops in his soda.

Police said Cruz later admitted she had done so and that’d she’d gotten the idea from the 2005 movie “Wedding Crashers.” In the movie, John, played by Owen Wilson, poisons the drink of his rival, Sack Lodge, with eye drops. Sack Lodge, played by Bradley Cooper, then becomes extremely ill. 

Cruz and her fiance had been arguing about custody of their child, and she reportedly wanted to move out. Cruz added that she just meant to make her fiance sick, police said.

Eye drops can be deadly, however. In 2018, Lana Clayton was accused of poisoning her 64-year-old husband with eye drops, which led to his death. She admitted she put the drops in his water over a three-day period, according to police.

Clayton is still awaiting trial and has pleaded not guilty.

If swallowed in significant quantities, the chemical in eye drops, tetrahydrozoline, can attack the nervous system and be deadly.

Cruz has been charged with distributing noxious or deleterious food, and faces up to 25 months behind bars, if convicted.