
Woman's Obituary Calls Out Fat-Shaming in Medical Community

Ellen Maud Bennett died of terminal cancer.

A Canadian woman used her obituary to call out fat-shaming among those in the medical field.

Ellen Maud Bennett, 64, died in May after batting terminal cancer. She had been given days to live upon its discovery.

Bennett’s family said she chose to spend her last days with humor and love. Her dying wish, however, was that “women of size” fiercely advocate for their health and not accept that “fat is the only relevant health issue."

"A final message Ellen wanted to share was about the fat shaming she endured from the medical profession,” the obituary, published in the Times Colonist, said. “Over the past few years of feeling unwell she sought out medical intervention and no one offered any support or suggestions beyond weight loss."

She kept her humor until her last says, choosing the photo for her obituary, taken a week before her death, and saying “I look so good for someone almost dead.”

The obituary has sparked conversation on social media about the “fat” stigma, with many relating to Bennett’s story.