Young Stars of 2017: Meet the Year’s Most Inspiring Kids

Here are four heroes who inspired us all this year.

Over the last 12 months, these kids have shown what it means to be kind, compassionate and most of all, a decent human being, stepping up to the plate to help those in need, aid the homeless and rescue those in dire situations.

These are the true child stars of 2017.

Armani Crews, celebrated her 6th birthday in March with a party at a local homeless shelter.  She and her family served pizza, chicken and fruit and gave their guests new toiletries as party favors.

“She had been asking us, but we thought she was just talking,” her mother, Artesha Smith-Crews told “Her dad said, ‘If we do this, I am not buying you a birthday gift.’ She said, 'That’s okay.’ That’s when we knew she was serious."

Tyler Boone's mission to help his friend, but it took the Georgia boy a long time to do it. He spent two years growing his hair so he could make a wig for his pal Gabby, who has alopecia and lives in Florida. When it was time to make the cut in January, Gabby did the honors as she handled the scissors for Tyler's trim. 

His hair was then sent off to an organization that makes wigs out of human hair. 

A few quick-thinking kids did their part to save their elders in 2017. 

An unnamed 9-year-old girl is credited with rescuing her own parents after authorities say they overdosed on heroin in their car as she sat in the back seat in March. 

The mother was passed out at the wheel while the father was unconscious in the back seat. The incident, which occurred in a Cincinnati, Ohio, parking lot, saw the brave child pulling out her dad’s phone to call her grandmother and authorities. 

The brave girl was able to put the car in park and describe what the vehicle looked like as authorities came to the rescue. 

When a 13-year-old surfer from Florida saw a boat capsizing in some heavy waves, he rushed in to help during an October incident. 

Sam Ruskin was in the right place at the right time, when the boater needed him most. He passed him a surfboard and helped lead him away from dangerous rocks.

"I saw that he needed some help and I was there and I wasn't going to let him get hurt or drown," the teen told Inside Edition. "We got to where it was shallow enough for him to stand and he said, 'Thank you,' and I just went back out surfing." 


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