How Did This Mysterious Piano End up on Top of a Malibu Cliff?

The mystery behind the lone mountaintop piano has been solved.

It was a crazy sight as a piano was on top of the Santa Monica Mountains in Malibu.

How the heck did it get there?

As word spread about the mysterious piano, hundreds of people hiked to the mountain top to check it out.   

So, who put the piano there? Now, the mystery who put it there has been solved.

Singer / songwriter Rachel Wong says she and six guys hauled the piano up the narrow mountain trail for a music video.

INSIDE EDITION spoke to Wong about getting the piano on the mountain.

She said, "We were silently laughing on everybody's responses on how it go there and why. They were talking about a helicopter pad and how they must had dropped it there with like an expensive crane. We were like, 'Nope, it was six very, very gym ratty boys."

The piano weighs 300 pounds and it took them 45 minutes to reach the top.

So are they in any trouble?

Wong said, "My mother and father were like, 'Why did you leave it there? Did you litter on purpose?"

Now that the mystery has been solved, we have one very important question remains, how are they going to get the thing down?