Why Michelle Obama Couldn't Teach Malia To Drive

"They wouldn't let me in the car with her."

Rachael Ray recently sat down with First Lady Michelle Obama to celebrate the fifth anniversary of her Let’s Move! Initiative and the #GimmeFive Challenge. During their conversation, Mrs. Obama expressed what she really wants to do when she leaves The White House.

She said, “You know, I was joking the other day, I just want to ride around in a car with the window open. It's just like, I want to do that.”

Read: Michelle Obama and Jimmy Fallon do 'Evolution of Mom Dancing Part 2'

Ray replied, “When was the last time you actually got to drive a car? Because it's fun!”

“It's been seven or eight years,” said Mrs. Obama.

While the first lady hasn’t driven in quite some time, her daughter, Malia, is learning how to get behind the wheel.

Ray asked, “I heard Malia has her license, is that true? Who taught her?”

“The Secret Service, actually, because they wouldn't let me in the car with her.  Driving for Malia, I think, gives her a sense of normalcy, like the rest of her friends are doing. And my kids have got to learn how to live in the world like normal kids,” said Mrs. Obama.

The first lady expressed how she wants her daughters to grow up as normal as possible.

Read: Michelle Obama Makes Mom-in-Chief Top Priority

She expressed, “Being president doesn't change who you are. It makes who you are more of that. If you come in grounded, you're going to leave grounded. If you come in a little, sort of, off-kilter, that's just going to be magnified. My hope is just to make sure that that they come out of this thing as functioning adults, you know?”

Rachel Ray’s interview with Michelle Obama airs Thursday, April 9.