Parents Share the Challenges of Raising a Baby with No Nose

His parents have to watch him 24-hours-a-day.

Born with one the rarest conditions in the world, baby Eli doesn't have a nose

Brandi and Troy Thompson of Mobile, Alabama, were expecting to have a healthy baby but when their son was born they were stunned.

His mother, Brandi Thompson told INSIDE EDITION, “I think the fact that he doesn’t have a nose makes him so cute.”

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Doctors gave him a tracheotomy to help him breath while eating. Dad puts on sterile gloves and armed with a Q-Tip he cleans Eli's breathing tube several times a day.

Mom uses a suction tube to keep the path clear. It's a process the five week old doesn't like. When he cries, he doesn't make a sound so his parents keep an eye on him 24 hours-a-day.

The proud mom fears the taunts that are sure to come.

She said, “I don’t know how I am going to handle myself the day he comes home and says, ‘Mom, someone made fun of my nose.’”

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While our cameras were there, baby Eli sneezed. The fact that Eli is able to sneeze gives the family hope that he has functioning nasal passages and that one day doctors will be able to build Eli a nose that works.

Tune in to INSIDE EDITION on Friday to see more on this story.

Watch the adorable video below to see an amazing dad make his son with Downs syndrome fly.

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