
Dr. Phil Speaks Out on Bruce Jenner and Gender Identity

Dr. Phil weighs in on Bruce Jenner's transition and helps clarify some points on gender identity.

Dr. Phil is weighing in on the Bruce Jenner interview all America is talking about.

"I thought he was very forthcoming. I thought he was playful at times. I thought he was very kind of defiant at times, saying 'This is what I am doing. This is what it is. It is what it is.'"

Read: Pictures of Bruce Jenner in a Bra Published by Australian Magazine

INSIDE EDITION’s Les Trent asked Dr. Phil about Jenner’s response, which is puzzling so many, when Diane Sawyer asked about his sexual identity as he transitions to a woman.

Sawyer asked, "You like women, are you a lesbian? Are you a heterosexual who?"

Jenner replied, “You are going back to the sex thing and it is apples and oranges."

Dr. Phil commented on it saying, "Some people immediately jump to the conclusion that transgender equals gay and it's simply not the case. I thought it was a very authentic comment on his part. A lot of people are saying, 'What? How could it be authentic?' Look at where he is right now, there is so much uncharted territory ahead of him."

Dr. Phil has landed another big interview on his show Tuesday, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Kim Richards, who talks about her arrest for creating a scene at the swank Beverly Hills Hotel.  

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Dr. Phil said, "I believe we are going to get to the bottom of it. I believe we are going to find out what happened that night."

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