Miserable Vacation Husband Recreates Photos with a Smile

Kevin Blandford had a miserable time in Puerto Rico this year because his family couldn't come. Now, he returned with his wife and child.

In March, Kevin Blandford won a free trip to Puerto Rico and brought a friend along and because he didn't bring his wife and daughter, he had a miserable time.

Read: Best Husband Ever Documents Miserable Vacation Without His Wife

He posted the photos online in an Imgur gallery and they quickly went viral with over two million views.

Here he was alone in bed.

He was miserable playing the slots.

He was even miserable snorkeling. 

Just last week, Kevin was back in Puerto Rico on another free trip from Puerto Rico tourism, but this time, he took his wife and daughter and had a wonderful time.

Watch This Couple Cross Paths On Vacation 27 Years Ago

He brought the same clothes and found the same locations from his first trip, and re-took all the photos, except this time he was smiling.

From snorkeling.

At the casino.

And even in bed.

We're glad to see that Kevin got to have a re-do on his trip and this time with his family.

Watch Below: Wife of Miserable Husband Vacationing Alone Says 'It Was Just Really Hilarious.' 

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