Happy Birthday George! Palace Releases New Photos as Prince Turns Two

Kensington Palace shared a never-before-seen picture of Prince George as he celebrates his second birthday.

By George, he's getting big!

The little prince is celebrating his second birthday today.

"Hard to believe it's already been 2 years! Thanks for all your lovely birthday wishes #HappyBirthdayPrinceGeorge," Kensington Palace wrote in a tweet on Wednesday alongside an image of the boy in his mother's arms.

Hard to believe it's already been 2 years! Thanks for all your lovely birthday wishes #HappyBirthdayPrinceGeorge pic.twitter.com/WxfqM0tcOW

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) July 22, 2015

On the eve of his big day, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge also released a never-before-seen picture of the tot taken by their favourite photographer, Mario Testino.

Read: Prince George Makes First Official Royal Visit

The image shows George on the day of his sister Princess Charlotte's christening earlier this month - and he's wearing his now-iconic red romper as he smiles from his proud dad's arms.

"Look who's turning two tomorrow!" Kensington Palace said in a tweet as it shared the image on Tuesday.

Look who's turning two tomorrow! #HappyBirthdayPrinceGeorge pic.twitter.com/M0vVDjfHpy

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) July 21, 2015

A spokesman for Kensington Palace said: "This photograph captures a very happy moment on what was a special day for The Duke and Duchess and their family. They are very pleased to share this picture as they celebrate Prince George's second birthday."

Read: Prince George Photoshopped For Magazine Cover

Since the media frenzy surrounding his birth in London two years ago, the youngster has royally charmed fans across the globe with his smiles, waves and traditional outfits.

It is believed he will celebrate his birthday with his parents at their home in Norfolk as his dad has only just started a new job nearby as an ambulance helicopter pilot, the BBC reported. Kate's parents, Carole and Michael Middleton, are expected to pay the little boy a visit.

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