A judge from Canadian Idol talks to INSIDE EDITION about the former contestant who now stands accused of being part of a terror cell planning bomb attacks.
He's the Idol contestant who made jaws drop when he was charged with being an Al-Qaeda terrorist.
With his goofball routine that day, the Idol judges saw no sign of a troubled soul within.
Judge Zack Werner sat through a 20-minute routine by contestant Khurram Sher, who now stands accused of being part of a terror cell planning bomb attacks.
"We were absolutely dead-sure that he was building a career as a standup comic," said Werner.
INSIDE EDITION's Diane McInerney interviewed Werner about the Idol-wannabe-turned-terror-suspect.
"What was your impression of him?" asked McInerney.
"He was very bright and very personable and had a good sense of where he was and what the show was about," said Werner.
"How did you find out that he's supposedly a terrorist?" asked McInerney
"I actually found out through Facebook. I was out of the country actually, so a whole bunch of friends immediately started e-mailing me and sending me links. It's like finding out your nextdoor neighbor is a serial killer and everybody's saying what a great guy he was and how shocking," said Werner.
Werner said the accused terrorist, who is a doctor, was much more westernized than how he portrayed himself on the show. In fact, friends of the contestant say his Pakistani accent is a fake. He was raised in the west.
Canadian Idol judge Werner says he's not surprised the immigrant routine was phony.
"His whole getup, coming in traditional Pakistani wear, and playing this part in the first place was obviously a put-on thing," said Werner.