Tempers flared at the US Open and this time it wasn't on the court as a fight breaks out among spectators who ended up being hauled out in handcuffs. INSIDE EDITION has the story.
Smackdown at, of all places, the US Open.
A fight breaks out and two fans take a scary fall down the steps in the upper deck at America's number one tennis event.
Other fans try to break it up. You might expect to see fights like this at a football stadium, but not tennis.
The match broadcast live on ESPN was brought to a standstill, and tennis star Novak Djokovic even pointed out the battle in the stands to security guards.
Here's what happened. Witnesses say the guy in the gray t-shirt was dropping the f-bomb during the match.
Another angle of the fight, shot by a fan sitting just a few rows away was posted on YouTube shows the loudmouth arguing with a woman sitting in his row until she finally slapped him.
The guy didn't hit her back, but you can hear him say, "I got a lot of money on the game." He then cursed at the woman, saying, "Sit (expletive deleted) down!" That's when her father stepped in and the donnybrook began.
They tumbled over two rows of seats, and when the loudmouth climbed back up the stairs, the woman went after him again. As other fans rushed into the battle, red-shirted security guards finally had to separate everyone.
"Security, throw that guy outta here," said one spectator.
All three of the combatants, the loudmouth, the woman fan and her father, were handcuffed and escorted to the nearest exit, but they weren't arrested.
A spokesman for the US Open said, "It was a hot night in New York. Things happen."
Though the fans weren't charged, they were given a warning and told not to return to the Open for a period of time.