A son speaks to INSIDE EDITION about his mom posting a video online after he didn't call for three weeks.
A mom publicly shamed her son for not calling her from college – and her video has gone totally viral.
"Hi, do you remember me? I'm your mommy, I gave birth to you," said mom Ann Pinto McCarney in the video.
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"Do you remember that was me who gave you life? I know my hair is a little shorter, but I kind of still look the same," she quipped.
She posted the video to Facebook after her son, Liam, went off to college and didn't call her for three weeks. Now the entire nation knows that the freshman hasn't called once.
“I haven't heard from you in a while, and I thought maybe you forgot about me,” she said.
Speak to INSIDE EDITION, she added: “I reminded him that not only did I give him life, which was a painful start, as far as I was concerned, with my C-section."
“Did any of my points hit home with you?” she asked Liam.
“I know I’m supposed to call you. I never got around to it,” said Liam.
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“It went by really fast. It didn’t feel like a lot of time since the last time I talked to her,” he told INSIDE EDITION.
So why hadn't Liam been in touch? He's been busy doing freshman stuff.
But asked if he’ll call her more often now, he added: “I’m definitely going to start calling my mother more often.”
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