See This Dog's Transformation After He Was Found Curled Up on the Side of Road

A dog was rescued in India after being severely neglected and has now been physically, emotionally restored.

A sick stray dog in India has been rescued after being spotted curled up on the side of the road.

Read: Puppy Makes Incredible Transformation After Being Rescued from Kill Shelter

 Animal Aid Unlimited took the starving, hairless, skinny dog back to their shelter to save his life.

The pup was suffering from severe mange and dehydration and he stayed curled up in a ball for the first few days at the shelter. Staff treated the dog - who could not bear to be touched - with medicated baths for his sore skin.

But 10 days later, he began to respond to the loving affection of his caretakers.

After two months of treatment he looked unrecognizable. The once-sad pooch is now smiling and loves being embraced by his caretakers.

Read: After 10 Years of Never Being Groomed, A Two-Legged Poodle Underwent an Incredible Transformation

Animal Aid Unlimited in India rescues and treats hundreds of dogs like this one. If you'd like more information about the non-profit, click here.

Watch Below: 103 Puppies and Dog Rescued from Dog Meat Farm in South Korea 

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