South Carolina Community Helps Couple Pull Off Dream Wedding Despite Floods

Britney Mysinger and Jason Houdek managed to get married thanks to the kindness of strangers.

A couple’s South Carolina wedding was saved when kindhearted locals stepped in to save the nuptials, despite the floods.

“The people of Charleston came together for us,” groom Jason Houdek told INSIDE EDITION.

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Jason and Britney Houdek booked their wedding in Charleston a year ago. But the day of the ceremony, the state was hit with epic floods that crippled transportation.

Jason, Britney and most of her friends made it to the hotel - but just about everyone else had to cancel.

“Hair, makeup, officiant, deejay, even the chefs at the restaurant couldn't make it in,” said Britney.

“Video and photography, bartenders, anyone serving,” added Jason.  

Even the groomsmen thought they weren't going to be able to make it. The night before the ceremony, they were staying in a hotel two miles away.

They woke up the morning of the wedding to find officials had closed the road into town because of the floods.

When Britney saw a local TV news crew covering the floods, she had a brainstorm. She actually went on air and asked for help.

“If anyone in the area can marry us, it would be greatly appreciated,” she said.

A councilman volunteered to conduct the ceremony.

“It’ll be legit, legal, I’m happy to help any way I can,” he said.

A photographer who lived near the hotel also offered her services. The groomsmen - who were all stranded two miles away - hitched a ride in a military Humvee.

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The ceremony at the Doubletree Hotel went ahead after all. Even with their good fortune, Britney and Jason said their thoughts are with the victims of the historic floods.

Of the people that came to their aid, Britney said “we are so appreciative of everything they have done for us."

There have been several deaths in the catastrophic floods. A mom and her baby were airlifted to safety from the flooding. “It was terrifying,” the mom told IE.

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