Officials Will Crack Down on Celebrations on the Appalachian Trail Over Littering Concerns

The National Parks Service will fine people who open champagne to celebrate the accomplishment.

After walking the entire 2,000-mile Appalachian Trail, hikers will no doubt be tempted to pop open a bottle of champagne.

But now the National Park Service says it is cracking down on the celebrations.

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It says it will hand out $500 tickets for littering to future hikers who crack open a bottle of champagne.

Trail manager Kevin Simpson said: “I can understand why people would want to celebrate, but they are not respecting the trail.”

He showed INSIDE EDITION broken bottles and graffiti that hikers have left behind on the otherwise pristine trail. “You shouldn't be coming up to the boulder to deface it,” he said.

The Appalachian Trail is 2,190 miles long running from Georgia to Maine. 

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More than three million people hike on the Appalachian Trail every year but only about 2,000 manage to hike the entire length. 

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