Church Congregation Tips Shocked Domino's Driver More Than $1,000 For $5.99 Pizza

A woman delivering pizza to a church service in Columbus, Ohio got a big surprise when the congregation tipped her more than $1,000.

A woman delivering pizza to a church in Columbus, Ohio got a big surprise when the congregation tipped her more than $1,000.

After she took the $5.99 pizza to Sycamore Creek Church in Pickerington on October 4, the Rev. Steve Markle invited her onstage and asked her the biggest tip she'd ever received.

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The woman, a single mom named Natasha who was facing eviction, responded that it was about $10.

Markle told her: "We've been teaching our church this last month about being generous, and so we did something special for you today. We took up a special offering for a tip for you."

As she broke down in tears, he told her: "We collected $1,046."

The Columbus Dispatch reported that the congregation was wrapping up a sermon series called "I was Broke. Now I'm Not." 

Markle told her: "I hope that this can help you. I don't know what's going on in your life."

"It can help a lot," she responded. "Thank you so much. Thank you everybody."

Watch Below: Pope Francis Accepts Pizza Delivery While in the Popemobile

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