Josh Duhamel and Kristen Bell arrive at the Hollywood premiere of their new film When In Rome, but an unexpected surprise stole the spotlight. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
Josh Duhamel and his gorgeous wife Fergie hit the red carpet for the Hollywood premiere of his new romantic comedy When In Rome.
Co-star Kristen Bell told INSIDE EDITION Josh and Fergie are the most romantic couple she's ever seen, saying, "The two of them, I mean if we were to leave them alone, God only knows what would happen!"
But it wasn't the glamorous stars who stole the show. Navy SEAL Chad Williams told girlfriend Aubrey O'Boyle he was invited to the premiere to receive an award for his Navy service. Once on the red carpet, he pretended his shoe was untied. Then he popped the question!
He presented Aubrey with a $6,500 one carat diamond ring.
Chad exclaimed, "She said yes!"
"I'm so shocked. I'm completely shocked!" said the bride-to-be.