
Stop That Pumpkin! Runaway Halloween Decoration Bounces Down Highway

An inflatable pumpkin got loose and bounced across an Arizona highway.

Halloween terror came early for motorists on an Arizona highway when a giant inflatable Jack-O-Lantern broke free and bounced along the road. 

View: See These Jack-O-Lantern Masterpieces

Witnesses were in disbelief as a 25-foot-tall, 350-pound pumpkin rolled across multiple lanes of traffic, bounced around a business parking lot before coming to halt by getting stuck in a neighborhood park.

Workers with Big AZ Promotions, which owns the pumpkin, were shocked when they got the call that their inflatable was on the loose.

"I was so shocked to see that it was like bouncing like a basketball all the way down the road," Patrick Sparkes with Big AZ Promotions told 12 News.

The pumpkin, which was in front of a sports complex for festive decoration, is believed to have gotten loose due to high winds in the area.

View: Heidi Klum's Halloween Costumes Through the Years

No one was injured in the incident but it is reported to have damaged street lights.

Was it a trick or a treat? That depends on who you ask.

Watch Below: Woman Gets Liposuction to Look Best in Halloween Costume